Koh Chang jungle treks

If you are tired of lying around on the beach and you already know the perimeter of the island, you can set out to a jungle in the heart of Koh Chang.

Jungle trek It is recommended to hire a guide - among such guides belong Tan. Tan has tread and cut out 4 different routes that he offers those interested. As he lived and studied in Australia for several years, he speaks English very well and you can greatly chat with him on your way. During the tour he shows and describes many types of plants, animals and insects. The right introduction to a jungle. It is no trip in "follow the guide, do not speak and keep up or you lost him/her" style.

The group can consist of up to 6 people and the price includes transportation to the starting point, beverages, food (everybody carries his/her own), fruits (water melon, bananas - carried by Tan the guide), jungle trek and transportation back to hotel. Can be optionally extended of an elephant ride.

Available treks:
  • Klong Son trek - ascent to Khao Chedi peak, approx. 500 meters above sea level. A lunch break on the summit and a consequent route via ridge to stream and beautiful waterfalls with optional swimming and refreshment.
  • Klong Son trek + elephant ride - same as the previous, however the route ends at the elephant station where you can experience riding on an elephant.
  • Khao Jom trek - ascent to Khao Jom (630 meters above sea level). The hardest and longest of the treks.
  • Half day family trek - suitable for families with children - there are dangerous passages on the route, but mostly runs through a flatland.
Tan - jungle trek guide

As we were very satisfied with Kong Son trek + elephant ride) - we will do a small advertisement here for Tan:

Tan Trekking
tel: +66 089-6452019
mail: tantrekking@hotmail.com